Friday, June 6, 2008

Yesterday June 5th

Yesterday it was my birthday, although it seemed like any other day until I got home. My dad came home with a caramel frapuchino from Starbucks and said that was my gift. It was funny because he said he preferred cheap gifts. After that my aunt called us and told my sister and I to come over and have dinner over there. So we did go over there and my uncle bought us pizza. I had fun with my cousins although they can get on your nerves sometimes I love then to death.
I have been visiting my cousins almost nine years since they moved next door to were I used to live. Since it was next door we would go every day, my mom would even say “Don’t you get tired of going over there” I would respond, “No can I go now”. Now that we live like fifteen blocks away we still go every Wednesday, Saturdays, and Sundays. We have quite a difference in age, the smallest is nine and the other is thirteen but we get along like if we were all the same age. The smallest gets along with me really well she always looks forward for me to play with her or what so ever.

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